May 24, 2018 - No Comments!

Tips For Successful Freelancing

Being a freelancer gives you the freedom to control your professional life. Setting your own hours, working from your preferred location, and being your own boss are just some of the pros of freelancing. However, being a freelancer is also TOUGH, and as much as you might enjoy the control, sometimes it can get quite draining. Below are some tips on how to freelance like a boss:

1) Make sure every project you take has a solid contract: No matter how casual your client is, make sure you have a solid contract. The contract doesn’t have to be perfect, it should cover the basic tasks and responsibilities of both parties. As you take on more projects, you can add your own clauses. Below are some basic items that need to be in your contract:


    • The work that you produce is original and not plagiarized.
    • The client’s proprietary information stays confidential.
    • Your payments terms. (How much you’ll get paid and when during the process.)
    • That once the client accepts the completed work, they accept full responsibility for any further processes in which the work is used (e.g. printing, putting the logo to use, etc.)
    • You and the client have the right to terminate the services, and what that entails for you both.


2)  Provide packages versus hourly rates: most clients hesitate when the payment terms are based on hourly rates, hence it might be more ideal to send your client packages versus a rate. Packages should include your deliverables, such as research, drafts, prototypes, and payment conditions.


3) Keep your free consultations short and sweet: Free consultations are necessary when trying to build a client base, however long conversations are not only time consuming, they could expose all your ideas to your potential client. Make sure to set your consultation time to 30 minutes, and keep track of where your conversation is headed. Keep your ideas to yourself, and simply give your client a taste of what you have to offer


4) Always require a deposit: as difficult as it may be to ask for a down payment is necessary for a freelancer. It sets the precedence that your client needs to follow and ensures you are compensated for at least a part of your services. If a client refuses to pay, that should raise a red flag.


5) It’s okay to say no: as a freelancer, you might be tempted to take on any project that comes your way, however make sure to focus your freelance business and always take on projects that align with your scope of work. Taking on irrelevant projects might be time consuming and distracting from the work that you wish to specialise in. Keep your professional priorities in mind  and make sure to turn down projects that steer you away from your goals.


6)  Be honest with your clients: don’t overpromise. Be transparent with your clients, a client annoyed by your honesty is better than a client annoyed by your work. Word of mouth is your number one marketing tool, make sure to maintain a good reputation in the industry.

For more tips, check out The Ultimate Freelancing Guide for even more tips on freelancing!

Published by: Lynn Murad in Coworking

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