July 21, 2018 - No Comments!

The Top 5 Tips on How to Avoid The Flu at the Workplace!

It’s that time of the year again! Flu season has arrived! Even though sometimes catching the flu is inevitable, there are steps you can take in order to minimize the risk of getting the flu, specifically at work. Below are our top 5 tips:

  1. Get the Flu Shot: Modern medicine is on our side. The flu vaccine has reduced the risk of flu-associated illnesses by 40%. You can head to any pharmacy or healthcare provider and get the flu vaccine. 
  2. Sanitize, sanitize, and sanitize: Sanitize your phone, desktop, keyboard and most importantly hands every chance you get. The Flu virus spreads through both inhalation and direct contact, and at the workplace, who knows what your co-workers have been exposed to? Your sanitizer should contain at least 60% alcohol for maximum efficiency. Keep a bottle on your desk, and you can even write a little note on it encouraging people to sanitize!
  3. Steer away from individuals with poor cough etiquette, or perhaps educate them: in order to limit germ transmission, the best way to cough is by using your elbow or forearm to cover your mouth. Print some signs and place them in your workspace to ensure everyone is aware on how to cough like a pro!  
  4. Wear a face mask if you feel your coworkers are getting sick: It doesn’t look pretty but it does the job. It’s also courteous to do the same if you feel you’re getting sick. You can buy some from any pharmacy and keep them on your desk. 
  5. If you do get sick, stay home! That is the best thing you can do in order to recover, and in order to make sure you don’t get your coworkers sick. Work remotely for a couple of days, and come back when you're feeling 100% refreshed.

Published by: Lynn Murad in Coworking

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