May 6, 2018 - No Comments!

Why A Co-working Space?

People often ask, why a co-working space? Why spend money on a desk, when we can simply stay in a coffee shop, buy a cappuccino, and use up some free wifi? The answer is simple, co-working spaces will simply maximize your efficiency, and here’s why:


1) The Environment:

Co-working spaces create an “office” environment. This environment has been shown to increase the productivity, focus, and confidence of 68% of entrepreneurs. Co-working will also increase your confidence levels, making you more likely to take yourself, and your business, seriously.


2) The Health Factor:

70% of entrepreneurs have reported feeling healthier in a co-working space than they did in a non co-working environment. The structure of hours and organization of tasks creates a healthy and more productive routine for entrepreneurs, hence ensuring they use up their day wisely and leave time for “out of work” activities. The book “The Power of Habit” talks about how focusing on one positive habit is often the catalyst that pushes you to stick to more positive habits. We found that members of co-working spaces who have set work routines are more likely to also have a set workout schedule and stick to better eating habits.


3) Networking and interactions:

91% of entrepreneurs stated they have had an increase in networking connections after using a co-working space. Working in a co-working space means you are surrounded by expert help, and a team of consultants from different fields that will happily offer you advice when needed. Moreover, these interactions provide a feeling of community among like-minded individuals, and hence decreases the sense of loneliness cafe goers or home stayers experience.


4) Higher Income:

50% of entrepreneurs using a co-working space reported a higher income than what they previously used to make. Part of it is due to setting higher standards and your work being taken more seriously by your clients and even yourself. Yes, working in a co-working space is more expensive than a cafe, but the added income will not only cover the cost, but surpass it. Also, with the flexible plans around, you are bound to find something that suits your needs. In addition to that, practically speaking, free coffees, fridges, and microwaves will save up on the store bought food you’ll have to buy in a cafe.


5) Emotional Support:

Break out of your comfort zone. Surround yourself with like-minded people, who most likely share the same struggles that you do. That will allow you to push yourself through moments of self doubt that everyone is bound to experience.  Avoid the lonely seat in the coffee shop, and energize your day by surrounding yourself with people.


The trick is, finding the right co-working space for you, and hey, we might be biased, but L’Atelier Co-working ticks all the right boxes.


Published by: Lynn Murad in Coworking

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