Like everyone else, the dust of new year is settling for us and we're getting focused and organized for the new year ahead. This year, we'll be sharing more tips and tricks about co-working and how to thrive as a freelancer or small business owner in Vancouver. We'll be making sure to feature local ways of achieving this each month, as we love our Vancouver family and want to continue supporting them!
#1: A C A L E N D A R
To get things kicked off, we're starting with the obvious; you need a calendar to plan for the year ahead of course and luckily for us a couple of our members joined forces to design some fun and functional calendars that you can print at home! Check out Pretty Office Thing's Etsy store to see the calendars designed by Salt Design Co. and use code PRETTY50 for a cheeky discount 😉

#2: A P L A N N E R
In this same realm, we can't not feature Stil Classics and their amazing planners. Owner and Director Marissa is also a member of our office - Marissa designed her planners with everything she was missing in mind. It's functional, beautiful and has daily to-do lists alongside your schedule so you can check in with each of your daily tasks and never lose focus.
(Photo of the Design Love Planner - which is currently on sale!)
#3: T H E J O B H U N T
Need help with a job hunt this month? Talent Collective have got you covered- they're hosting a free(!!) online webinar to help reduce your job hunting stress, nail your resume and avoid common mistakes.

#4: L E A R N I N G
Growing a business or freelance career is tough. Join the team at Brainstation YVR or at Red Academy to acquire more skills that pay the bills!

(Photo from a Vancity Business Babes event at Brainstation in 2016.
Photo credit: Lucy Gregory)
#5: H E A L T H
Lastly, and possibly one of the most important things to consider as an entrepreneur or freelancer, is your health! Make sure you stay focused and stress free this year by putting your mental health first. Moment Meditation start their 3 week challenge on January 23rd - the perfect opportunity to give it a go and introduce a few more calm moments into your daily routine.

(Photo from this journal entry on the Moment site. Unknown photo credit.)
Let us know how you're getting along this month! You can tweet at us @vancityatelier or email