How to Book Meeting Rooms

We have three meeting rooms at the same Gastown Location. 



Large Meeting Room: 
1 hour for $35 
4 hours for $100 ($25/h) 
8 hours for $160 ($20/hour) 
16 hours for $240 ($15/hour) 

Small Meeting Room: 
1 hour for $20 
8 hours for $120 ($15/hour) 
16 hours for $160 ($10/hour)

Booking outside of business hours (9-5 pm weekdays) is $15 extra for key orientation and pickup. Once you have booked the rooms, book a time here to pickup your key set. The $15 will be charged to you then. 

Checking availablity before creating an account can be done right here: 

Large Meeting Room availablity

Small Meeting Room availablity 


1- Create a FREE account through this link 

2- Make sure to select today's date as your start date so you can access the full system  

* You will be asked for your payment info but won't be charged anything unless you choose to buy booking passes. 

3- Click on "buy booking passes" and choose as many as you need. 

4- Click on the "booking calendar" tab and then "new booking"

5- Fill out the form with your desired times and select the resource that you want to use. 

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